
Orange-Glazed Tempeh

 You are going to LOVE this.  I was in the mood for some comfort food, so I decided to experiment with some Tempeh!  It's sooo easy and you'll feel like a pro.  Tempeh is a great alternative to tofu because it's fermented.  This means it's not as processed and much easier on your gorgeous insides :) For those of you who have yet to try tempeh and are a little put-off by it, just got for it! Once you make it, you'll love it and it won't be a stranger anymore. You can do it!

Serves 2

1 package gluten-free, organic Tempeh
juice of 2 oranges (I just squeezed it with my hands- no fancy juicer required..can't guarantee the yumminess if you use store-bought OJ - go for the gold! squeeze fresh oranges!)
2 cloves garlic, minced
1⁄4 cup low-sodium tamari (wheat free soy sauce)
1 Tbsp xylitol (a natural sugar alternative) or agave
6-8 dashes hot sauce

Slice tempeh into small, 1⁄4 inch thick strips.  Place a vegetable steamer and a little water in a large pot and bring to a boil.  Add tempeh, cover and steam for about 10 minutes (this is the super secret trick that will allow your tempeh to absorb the amazing marinade you're about to make).

Meanwhile, in a medium sized bowl, combine the rest of the ingredients and mix well.  When tempeh is steamed, add it to the marinade using tongs.  Cover bowl, and refrigerate for 15-30 minutes.

Heat a large pan to medium heat, and add a Tbsp coconut oil (click here for a video explaining the awesomeness of coconut oil).  Using tongs, place tempeh in pan and pour a couple spoonfuls of the marinade over the tempeh.  Cook 5-6 minutes until golden brown on each side.  *Wait until your pan is fully heated to add oil and tempeh.

Remove from heat and serve with a green (i.e. steamed broccoli or asparagus with some earth balance, salt and lemon juice) and a grain (i.e.  quinoa, brown rice, or mashed sweet potatoes)!


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