
How to Make Almond Milk!

 When I make my own almond milk each week, I feel like I've one-upped Betty Crocker.  It's fun, delicious and oh-so satisfying.  And compared to boxed milk, it's much more rich and creamy.  Yum! You're going to need a liter-sized mason jar, a big bowl, and a nut milk bag.

It might seem like a big to-do at first, but after you've done it once or twice and get the hang of it, it's super duper looper easy.

Makes about 6 cups

Step one: Soak 2 cups of almonds in filtered water overnight.

Step two: Rinse the almonds

Step three:  Place almonds and about about 6 cups of water in your Vitamix or blender (I just fill it to the top line).  Blend on high for up to 2 minutes until well blended.
(ooooooooooooh, frothy)
Step four: With a large bowl underneath to catch it, pour the almond "smoothie" into your nut milk bag and hang it from a cabinet.

Step five: With your hands at the top of the bag (so it doesn't all spill out), squeeze the liquid through the bag until you're left with the almond meal.  Empty the almond meal from the bag, pour the milk from the bowl back in the blender, and run through the bag once more to catch the almond meal that may have leaked into the bowl.

Step six: Pour milk into a large mason jar and store in the refrigerator for up to a week!

Thanks for not milking my mama!

1 comment:

  1. I've had friends over to do this. It's so easy and actually fun. And hands down the best milk I've ever had.


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