
Greek(ish) Salad

How gorgeous is this salad?! We made this all summer and used the fresh oregano from our garden.  It's so healthy, so yummy, and so easy to make.  Feel free to change up the beans or veggies.  I have to say though, this is my favorite combo :)


Curried Eggless Salad

I've made these for two parties now, and they've been devoured each time by vegans and omnis alike! This recipe comes from Kris Carr's book, Crazy, Sexy, Kitchen - with a couple little changes of my own.  If you don't own her cookbook - RUN, don't walk - to Amazon or your local bookstore immediately.  It's a staple for sure.

You can stuff these in mini pitas like it did.  Or wraps.  Or bread.  Or I love to eat the left overs with Pita Crackers from Trader Joe's.


Tropical Banana Pancakes

Hi! I'm back! I've missed you! Let's get this party started!

I've been tweaking this recipe for a few weeks, and I'd say these are the easiest, fluffiest, most delicious pancakes I've ever made/had.  They're not gluten free, but click here to see my gluten free pancake recipe!

I'm always trying to sneak super foods into my son's food, and this is a GREAT way to do that.  Don't feel inhibited by the flavors or super foods I've added.  I also make a blueberry version of these which is just as delicious.  Other great options are raspberries, peaches, pineapple, blackberries (any berry, really), walnuts, or pecans.